Phone: (804) 633-6212
Contact: Town Clerk
117 Butler Street
PO Box 468
Bowling Green, VA 22427
Hours of Business: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
The Town Council is the governing body of the Town of Bowling Green local government that is responsible for setting all policies and standards for the operation of Town Government, adopting all ordinances and resolutions, adopting the annual operating and capital budgets, setting all tax rates, adopting the five year Capital Improvement Program, setting all user fees, approving land use and rezoning decisions, and adopting the Town’s Comprehensive Plan.
Members of Town Council will serve a 4-year staggered term. One member is appointed to the Planning Commission as the Town Council’s Representative to the Planning Commission.
If you want to run for election to the Town Council in the bi-annual election, you must be a resident of Bowling Green and file an application with the Caroline County General Registrar’s Office by the filing deadline prior to the election. Elections occur every two years on even years with 4 positions available for one election and 3 positions available for the next election to meet the requirements of staggered terms. If you are interested in serving on the Town Council by filling an unforeseen vacancy for the unexpired term of an elected official, you can express your desire in writing to the Town Manager. Your letter will be kept on file until the next vacancy occurs at which time you will be contacted to confirm your desire to serve on the Town Council. The Town Council will consider all applicants and select an individual by vote of Town Council to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term. To continue serving after the unexpired term ends, you must file an application for the next election and win enough votes to be elected for a 4-year term.
Anyone interested in volunteering to serve on local Boards, Commissions, or ad hoc Committees should send a written letter of interest to the Town Manager. Your letter will be retained on file. Should a vacancy occur, you will be contacted to determine your continued interest and then be considered for an appointment to such body. Citizens are also encouraged to present any ideas to the Town Council where a local Board, Commission, or ad hoc Committee can be used to improve a specific aspect of Bowling Green.
The Town Council meets monthly on the first Thursday of each month. In the event the date falls on a holiday the meeting is moved to the following Thursday. The meeting is scheduled for 5:00 PM in the lobby of the Town Hall at 117 Butler Street. All Town Council meetings, Special Meetings, and Council Committee meetings are open to the public and all citizens are encouraged to attend. Meeting dates can be found in the Town Government calendar on this web site.